ABOUT Keaton Kirchner

Hey, let me start off by saying thanks for checking out my work! Shoot me a message on Instagram or twitter to connect or ask me any questions that I don’t answer in these little blurbs. I love to connect with the people who are a part of my community! Without you guys I couldn’t do what I do 🙂

My Mission Statement:
I seek to adventure, experience, and document the journeys I take into the wild. This is usually in the form of film and photography. My content works to shine the light on Gods creation and the ability nature has to help me and those around me grow in our faith.

Who I am?
I’m a Christian content creator from Edmonton, AB. More specifically, I am an avid wilderness Photographer/Videographer, Backcountry skier, Hiker, Mechanical engineer, NFT artist and lastly Roundnet athlete. Based on that statement alone I think you probably have an idea for how active I am. I love sports and thrive on activity.

Who to I make content for?
I create content for brands, myself, and the community that follows me.

My life outside of Photography?
Most of my photography revolves around hikes and backcountry skiing. That part of my art isn’t always recognized in the photos, but I love the process of going into the backcountry/traveling to capture the images. I do things away from the mountains as well though. Another sport I love is Roundnet (you might know it as Spikeball). I play competitively and am currently pursuing a spot on team Canada as well as planning to travel to play in the US Roundnet circuit over the summer.

Is content creation my full time career?
No, well at least not yet. My education is in Mechanical Engineering and that is currently the line of work I am in. With the support of my community I am looking to transition into full time content creation.

How long have I been doing this?
I picked up my first camera over 10 years ago. I really found my passion for action sports and adventure photography closer to 3 years ago.

How can you support me?
A huge part of support is simply following and interacting with me. Hearing how my art impacts people and receiving messages makes all the time and effort well worth it. On a financial standpoint, you can support me through purchasing my artwork in the form of Prints or NFTs. Don’t know what an NFT is, shoot me a message or check out my NFT/PRINTS page.
